The original light novel series of the popular isekai manga! To be reincarnated into another world with the...
One day, high-school student Koyomi Araragi catches a girl named Hitagi Senjougahara when she trips. But -much to...
This sequel to the popular Grimoire of Zero series introudces new settings and protagonists, while retaining the thrilling...
From the pen of the author of the legendary Monogatari novels! The basis of an animated series, Katanagatari...
Mona is the cutest girl in school, and she knows it. In fact, she's worked hard to make...
Sakura Miyazen and Shota Matsubayashi are two classmates that are polar opposites: Miyazen, the high-class pretty girl, and...
Ryota Sato gets the surprise of his life when he's suddenly transported into another world and nearly clobbered...
Ryota Sato gets the surprise of his life when he's suddenly transported into another world and nearly clobbered...
One day Mitsuha falls off a cliff and is tranported to a medievel Europe type world! After a...
Jin, third-year director, lead actor, and president of the film club, and second-year director Giichi see eye-to-eye on...
Second-years Mao Tsuchiya and Hisashi Otomo make three promises: 1) That Mao will never tell anyone that Hisashi...
Welcome to Demon School! Hopeless pushover Iruma Suzuki has found himself in a devil of a predicament. His...