Manga creators from Japan and the US present an international showcase of horror. Collected for the first time...
Summer's come to Kimetsu Academy, but the chaos sure isn't taking a break! The discovery of a lost...
Learning to destroy demons won't be easy, and Tanjiro barely knows where to start. The surprise appearance of...
In the wake of the commotion on Mt. Butterfly, Trunks decides to take a look into the data...
A new collection of delightfully macabre tales from a master of horror manga. An old wooden mansion that...
Animal Crossing: Read the gag-filled adventures of four goofy residents living among the Animal Crossing: New Horizons characters!...
One Piece: Ace's Story-The Manga: Experience the origin story of Fire Fist Ace, the legendary older brother of...
In order to add a rule that will serve as a loophole in the culling game, Itadori and...
Soichi, the unhinged second son of the Tsujii family, chews nails and makes them clatter and clack as...
This ultimate collection presents the most remarkable short works of Junji Ito's career, featuring an adaptation of Rampo...