From Kotobukiya. From the PlayStation 2 high-speed mecha action game, Anubis Zone Of The Enders, the protagonist mecha...
Kotobukiya’s lineup of statues based on the superheroes and villains of DC Comics continues to grow, and the...
From Kotobukiya. The original Frame Arms Girl Gourai-Kai [White] Ver. 2 now comes with white color and additional...
From Kotobukiya. The Frame Arms Girl "hand scale" series is expanding with the addition of Frame Arms Girl...
From Kotobukiya. Frame Arms Girl Magatsuki is based on the Frame Arms model of the same name designed...
Based on Takayuki Yanase’s mech design and Humikane Shimada’s character design, Stylet XF-3 boasts vast improvements from the...
From Kotobukiya. Combat preparation complete. Start your engines. The Alternative series aims to create models that are both...
Pre-Order: Est ship date july 2023 -sep 2023 20% restocking fee if canceled ABOUT THIS STATUE After Ragnarök, the...
From Kotobukiya. Red Five, the mecha piloted by Izuru Hitachi in Majestic Prince, is now available as a...
From Kotobukiya. A new series of main bodies comes to Megami Device, a plastic model kit series combining...
Product Description From Kotobukiya comes this Megami Device M.S.G figure accessory set! These parts are intended to be...
Product Description From Kotobukiya comes this Megami Device M.S.G figure accessory set! These parts are intended to be...