Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi with figures from The Black Series, featuring...
From Hasbro Toy Group. Imagine the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars saga with action figures...
From Hasbro Toy Group. Imagine the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars saga with action figures...
From Hasbro Toy Group. In the beginning phases of the Clone Wars, the introduction of white-armored clone troopers...
After entrusting Luke Skywalker with Grogu’s care, The Mandalorian - known to a few as Din Djarin -...
Product Description Estimated ship date subject to change, items may ship earlier or later than anticipated without notice...
From Hasbro Toy Group. This action figure is inspired by the Star Wars: The Mandalorian live-action series on...
From Hasbro Toy Group. Imagine working for the Empire as Moff Gideon, donning a helmet paying tribute to...
From Hasbro Toy Group. Featuring highly detailed deco, series-inspired design, and adjustable fit, this full-scale Black Series helmet...
From Hasbro Toy Group. Jaxxon is a 6-foot tall, green-furred, Lepi and captain of the Rabbit's Foot. Known...
From Hasbro Toy Group. On a mission gone wrong, Doctor Aphra finds herself at the hands of the...
From Hasbro Toy Group. Featuring highly detailed deco and series-inspired design, this full-scale Black Series helmet is an...