Rick And Morty New Year New Rick Special #1 (One Shot) Cover A Tony Gregori
4-3-2-1! HAPPY NEW YEAR . . . WE THINK?!?! From writer Christof Bogacs (United Kingdom) and illustrator Tony Gregori (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) comes a New Year's special featuring a gargantuan 56 pages of not-so-SFW madness! Rick Sanchez, eternal a**hole and pompous egomaniac, has made a New Year's resolution to . . . be nice? But without Rick's jerkiness to keep it at bay, the Cosmic Code Authority-a godlike being determined to make the universe as family-friendly as possible-starts to censor all of reality! It's up to Rick to save the day (again), but it'll come at the cost of abandoning his New Year's resolution.