From Batman: The Animated Series, Mondo presents the 1/6 scale Catwoman figure. Staying true to the animated classic,...
"Creature from a million years ago!" It's the monster from the horror film Creature from the Black Lagoon!...
The leader of the Evil Horde, and former master of Skeletor, Hordak is one of Eternia’s most infamous...
By the Power of Grayskull, you too can have the Power! Mondo is proud to bring you the next...
From Mondo Tees. The Princess of Power, She-Ra is here in all her glory. Mondo is proud to...
From Mondo Tees. Previously a San Diego Comic Con 2022 exclusive! Limited to 2,000 pieces! Based on the...
The first in our MONDO MECHA collection (a line of highly articulated robot figures), The Iron Giant features...
In 2022, Magneto became the first baddie in Mondo's X-MEN: THE ANIMATED SERIES 1/6 scale line. Now, Mondo...
Product Description Recreate the most iconic moments from X Men: The Animated Series with this 1/6 scale fully...
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