From Avengers: Endgame, travel back in time with Captain America to the original Avengers film with this...
From Tamashii Nations. From Dragon Ball Z, Super Saiyan Vegeta (Awakened Super Saiyan Blood) joins S.H.Figuarts! Featuring dramatic...
GOKU as seen in "DRAGON BALL GT" joins S.H.Figuarts! Featuring a totally new sculpt and enhanced joints, it captures dramatic poses from the...
Appearing in the first episode of the Dragon Ball series, Bulma’s Capsule No. 9 Bike is joining the...
From the anime Dragon Ball Super, Goku, as seen in the space survival arc joins S.H.Figuarts! Now you...
From Dragon Ball Super, Jiren makes an appearance into the S.H.Figuarts collection in his final battle form....
Goku from Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is now released from the S.H.Figuarts brand! This detailed figure is highly...
Ultimate Gohan from Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is now released from the S.H.Figuarts brand! This detailed figure...
S.H.Figuarts Bardock is here! Sculpted to faithfully capture his appearance in the classic TV special, the set...
Product Description Cell returns to the S.H.Figuarts line with this First Form version. Cell stands over 6 inches...
Ginyu joins the S.H.Figuarts action figure lineup from Bandai! The captain of the Ginyu Force in the Galactic...
Goku invokes the Kaio-ken technique in this new S.H.Figuarts action figure from Bandai! With gleaming pearlescent paint and...