As a roboot of Kamen Rider BLACK series in 1987, Kamen Rider Black Sun series follows the story of stepbrothers who undergo cyborg surgery and become rivals Kamen Rider Black Sun and Shadowmoon. The two end up facing off to see who is the most powerful.
Fans have been waiting in high anticipation for this figure! Sideshow and Hot Toys are now thrilled to introduce Black Sun’s biggest threat - the Kamen Rider Shadowmoon Sixth Scale Figure based on Kamen Rider Black Sun.
The screen-accurate figure of Shadowmoon features a newly developed masked head with green LED light-up eyes and antenna, and an exceptionally-poseable body to recreate the “Henshin” moment. The armored outfit captured unique biological design with intricate textures and detachable chest armors, specially applied luminous reflective patterns on suit that accentuates his ability, and of course the unique Henshin belt with articulated buckle for transformation. Comes with detailed accessories such as sword, satansaber and shealth, newly sculpted hands, and a figure stand for dynamic poses.
The Kamen Rider Shadowmoon Sixth Scale Figure features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Kamen Rider SHADOWMOON in Kamen Rider Black Sun series
- One (1) newly designed helmet with antenna and LED light-up function on eyes (power operated)
- Newly developed body with 30 points of articulation
- Approximately 32cm tall
- Sculpted armors with accurate detail and proportion
- Ten (10) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of relax hands
- One (1) pair of blade holding hands
- One (1) pair of ability using hands
- One (1) pair of gesture hands
- Each head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- One (1) newly tailored silver colored suit with sculpted armors and detachable chest armor (with magnetic feature); luminous reflective patterns in green
- One (1) LED-lighted Henshin belt (USB power operated) with articulated buckle
- One (1) blade
- One (1) interchangeable hilt for holding
- One (1) Satansaber with shealth
- A dynamic figure stand with character name