In the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano, a Togruta, was the Padawan learner to Anakin Skywalker and a hero of the Clone Wars. Alongside Anakin, Ahsoka grew from headstrong student into a mature leader. But her destiny laid along a different path than the Jed...
Hot Toys is pleased to further expand the Star Wars: The Clone Wars collectible series by introducing a dynamic interpretation of the beloved character Ahsoka Tano in sixth scale representing her appearance in the final season of the acclaimed series!
The greatly detailed collectible figure is specially crafted with authentic styling featuring a skillfully crafted head sculpt with stunning likeness and articulated head-tails, specialized body to portray Ahsoka’s physique, finely tailored outfit and armor pieces, Ahsoka’s iconic lightsabers, a cloak, and a display base!
Product Features
- 11.41 inches (28.98cm)
- Made of Plastic
- 28 Points of articulation
- Based on Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series
- Newly sculpted blue and white striped montrals and head-tails equipped with bendable wires
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
Box Contents
- Ahsoka Tano figure
- 7 Pieces of interchangeable hands including:
- Pair of relaxed
- Pair of lightsabers holding hands
- Pair of gesture hands
- Right fist
- Grey-colored poncho with weathering effects
- Navy blue and grey colored tunic with attached apron
- Pair of navy-colored under-suit
- Pair of navy blue colored gauntlets with forearm gloves
- Pair of silver-colored knee guards
- Pair of silver-colored calf guards
- Pair of black-colored leather-like boots
- Pair of blue lightsabers
- Pair of blue lightsaber blade in motion (attachable to the hilt)
- Thermal detonator
- Holoprojector
- Hologram figure of Anakin Skywalker
- Hologram figure of Obiwan Kenobi
- Hologram figure of Yoda
- Figure stand